Saturday, March 26, 2011

Often Cesaren Section Could Endanger Health

Having a problem prenancy or not, many pregnant women choose to give birth by caesarean section. Cesarean section is indeed one of the efforts to save mothers and babies in the womb. However, if often done, it could endanger health. The risk of hysterectomy ( removal of uterus ) is almost five times higher in women who had caesarean surgery four times and a higher risk of blood transfusion if it has been six times to undergo a caesarean.

Most doctors do not recommend that a woman undegoing a caesarean section more than three times. If she is pregnant again, it is recommended for normal vaginal childbirth. That’s because repeated cesarean risk of complications. Risk potential is abnormal placentation ( occurs in 1 in 2.500 pregnancies ) or placenta accreta. Other risks of repeated cesarean section :

1. Uterine Rupture.

This occurs because the scar on the uterus susceptible torn of destroyed. For women who experience this condition, infants at risk of death 10 times higher.

2. Adhesion And Scar Tissue.

Caesarean section will also cause scar tissure or adhesions. Some of the women there who feel the pain of adhesion and there is also crippled. Extensive adhesions can cause other complications that cause pain, causing inconvenience.

3. Placenta Previa.

Risk of giving birth by caesarean section several times to make the location of the placenta is too close to the cervix. If the cervix is open, it can cause miscarriage and severe bleeding. Bleeding is very much the mother can cause anemia or require blood transfusions.

4. Placenta Accreta.

Occurs when the placenta is attached too deep in the uterine wall. Cesarean scar may increase this risk. This condition is likely to involve damage to the uterus or other organs and bleeding.

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