Thursday, March 1, 2012

Dark Chocolate Nutrition

Before feeling guilty about eating dark chocolate, take a look at dark chocolate nutrition and find out why it is good for you.

Ardent chocolate lovers usually have a refined taste for dark chocolate too, though many may not be aware of its nutritional value. Not many people may have thought that eating chocolate can actually be healthy, and affect the body in a positive way. If your are one of those who are guilty about you love for and daily consumption of dark chocolate, you're bound to feel differently after taking a look at dark chocolate nutrition and several dark chocolate benefits.

Dark Chocolate Nutritional Value

Take a look at these dark chocolate nutrition facts, and health benefits that follow its consumption, to understand why it is highly recommended by nutritionists and health experts.

Important Nutrients

Values (1 Bar - 1.45 oz/45 g)




2.3 g


24.8 g

Dietary Fiber

2.7 g


13.3 g


2.1 mg


12.3 mg


0.9 mg


12.7 mg


20.9 mg


206 mg


2.5 mg

Dark Chocolate Nutritional Benefits

The health benefits of dark chocolate encompass several diseases and disorders that can be prevented by its consumption.

In a recent study conducted, dark chocolate has shown to increase blood flow to the brain. This is especially useful for older adults who may be at the risk of developing dementia, and other disorders of the brain due to decreased blood flow.

Dark chocolate is rich in flavanoids and antioxidants, that are useful in controlling cholesterol, and also reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Due to it's ability to control cholesterol, the consumption of dark chocolate also reduces the risk of developing heart disease, and the chance of death after the first heart attack.

Another research conducted also showed the presence of a component in dark chocolate called theobromine, that helps in preventing the development of cavities, and hardens the tooth enamel. And you always thought all those cavities were because of the chocolate you eat!

It has been recommended as a good protein-rich food for those undergoing chemotherapy, as it stimulates the appetite.

Ever noticed a positive change in your mood after eating dark chocolate? This happens because dark chocolate contains endorphines and serotonin that are natural mood boosters.

The Risks of Excess Dark Chocolate

Because you have been made aware of the health benefits of dark chocolate, don't go overboard and indulge completely in it, as the benefits of dark chocolate can only be derived only if it is consumed in moderation. An excess of dark chocolate can lead to the following problems:

Eating dark chocolate can harden the tooth enamel, but an excess is definitely going to result in some amount of cavities.

Dark chocolate contains caffeine, an excess of which can cause anxiety, high blood pressure, headaches, and even digestive problems.

Too much dark chocolate can also result in kidney stones, because it contains oxalates.

The calories in dark chocolate can contribute to weight gain and even obesity to extent. Read more on dark chocolate calories.

It is important to remember that the key to deriving the health benefits of every food item is to consume it in moderation. The importance of dark chocolate nutrition has already been made clear, but do not avoid other foods such as fruits and vegetables and consume only dark chocolate thinking it is as healthy. Variety is the spice of life, and a little bit of everything is what will keep you going, not an excess of just one of them!

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